NEA is a Renowned International Awarding Body for Communications and Performing Arts Examinations.
High-Quality Vocational Examinations, regulated by OFQUAL and CCEA and UCAS tariff points at Level 3.
New Era Academy Supports ALL Learners, Whether Shy, Vivacious or with Special Needs
We strive to take all learners through a learning process to develop the skills they will need throughout life
New Era Academy Results Are Published FAST after Your Exam!
Medals and Certificates are despatched within 10 days of the Final Result

It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves

NEA’s Communications Syllabus focuses on practical and creative learning to develop skills and capabilities for learners to excel in life skills or professional careers.

NEA’s Performance Syllabus provides learners the opportunity to experience every form of the performing arts, build self-confidence and have lots of fun!

New Era Academy has a long-standing reputation for providing an extensive and diverse syllabus paired with a personalised, high-quality examination framework.

Our acting syllabus helps learners develop their creative and artistic skills with New Era Academy performance exams.

New Era Academy Supporting Teachers and their Learners since 1941

New Era Academy is very proud of its 80-plus-year history in providing, a robust and high-quality examinations board framework for Teachers and Learners in the UK and internationally. We have developed a wide-ranging and detailed syllabus that has something for everyone! In solo, duologue, or in a group of learners, there is a detailed framework for you to learn and express your creative and artistic abilities whilst progressing through the examination grades. 

Who We Help

Helping  Teachers enable their learners to experience, learn and develop their artistic and creative abilities, through our flexible syllabus of graded examinations, that test and stretch learners to achieve the certification and medals for their learning and achievements.  Our Annual Excellence Awards are another example of how we support learners and teachers to reach for the stars!

New Era Academy in Sri Lanka for prize giving ceremony and concert.

Find a Local Teacher New Era's Teacher Directory

Our Teachers have chosen to work with the renowned New Era Academy Syllabus as it is recognised as a broad and comprehensive framework for Speech and Drama training.  The syllabus is supported by an excellent examination protocol with personalised reporting and feedback for each and every student.

We are proud to launch the New Era Academy Teacher Directory in 2023 to help parents and learners to find a local Speech and Drama Teacher. You can be confident about the quality of learning and structure provided by your chosen teacher and the New Era Academy Syllabus.

Annual Excellence Awards every October

We are incredibly proud of the achievements of all of our learners across the thousands of exams completed every year! Our Annual Excellence Awards provide an extra incentive and recognition for those who excel in one of the eleven (11) award categories. Each Award Recipient will receive one of our delightful Award Boxes containing the Award certificate and trophy.  A full list of the Award Categories and a list of the 2022 Award Recipients is on our About Us page.

NEA Award Certificate pack
UCAS accreditation for New Era Academy Grade 6, 7 and 8 examinations for pass, merit and distinction results

Regulated by OFQUAL and CCEA
UCAS points awarded at all Level 3 qualifications

New Era Academy has a long-standing track record in successfully implementing and upholding industry standards and regulations as providers of high-quality graded examinations for learners.  We work closely with Ofqual and CCEA to maintain our compliance with the regulations through an annual compliance audit.  This also enables our accreditation with UCAS so that our grade 6,7 and 8 examinations are eligible for UCAS tariff points helping learners gain entry to UK university courses.

We are here to help - contact the team at New Era Academy Today

Join our Teachers community and deliver the NEA Syllabus.
Apply to become an NEA Examiner
We’re happy to answer your question and queries.






NEA held our spring events in London, Belfast and Online in April 2023.  It was a great to gather in person and online to connect and hear about the advances in the new 2023-2026 New Era Academy Syllabus.

The new syllabus is now available for Teachers and students alike.  We are excited to see your creativity unleashed in the upcoming examinations.

The current 2020-2023 Syllabus is still running for the remainder of this academic year, so students who are still to sit their exams have time. 

If you have any questions regarding the syllabus changes, please contact the team at    

Exam Dates

May & June


Make sure you get your APRIL and MAY EXAM SESSIONS booked in advance.

Our Exams Calendar is filling up fast so BOOK NOW! 

Alternatively, email the team at to confirm your exam sessions are reserved.


Until 20th May

Kim Ismay in "Kidnapped" for The National Theatre Scotland

New Era Academy loves to support our team. Kim Ismay features in the new spring production of Kidnapped – touring theatres in Scotland, Newcastle and Brighton.

Get your tickets today!

One of New Era Academy's Teachers and students in Group Performance in Speech & Drama at Colebrook school
Kim Ismay NEA Examiner with our Hong Kong learners who have completed a range of our syllabus examinations.

Exams Available Across the UK, Online & Overseas

At New Era Academy, we are able to offer in-person examination sessions across the UK, and Northern Ireland as well as venues related to our international representatives.  NEA has established a roster of  Examiners, covering the UK and Northern Ireland (NI).  The examiner’s panel will travel to the scheduled examination venue, covering all counties in the UK and NI, or to any of our international representative locations.

We also offer online examination sessions which are run by our qualified examiners, for the convenience of teachers and learners who are unable to attend in-person examinations.  Our experiences through the pandemic have shown how convenient and helpful this can be for learners.  The NEA team and our Examiners have worked hard to make the online experience enriching and rewarding.

Meet New Era's Board of Directors and Patrons

The New Era Team is supported by a dedicated Board of Directors who are all. Our Patrons are all well-known industry professionals and teachers respected for their craft and accomplishments on stage, television, and film.  They are proud supporters of New Era Academy and the high standards we consistently deliver across our diverse syllabus and examination protocols. You can find out more about New Era Academy’s Patrons and Board of Directors, read more

New Era Academy Patrons and Board of Directors collage


Latest Articles

New Era Academy is pleased to share our latest news, blogs and articles with our community of Teachers, Parents, Learners, and Examiners.

Kim Ismay plays Frances in Kidnapped - A swashbuckling, ‘coming-of-age’ adventure

New Era Academy loves to support our team.  Kim Ismay features in the new spring production of Kidnapped – touring theatres in Scotland, Newcastle and Brighton. Get your tickets today!

Spring Launch ~ NEA's New Syllabus 2023-2026

Our new New Era Academy 2023-2026 Syllabus is launched.  We announced the new concepts and updates to our broad and detailed syllabus at launch events in London, Belfast and Online in April. There is lots of excitement around the new syllabus, so have a look for yourself!

New Era's News & Upcoming Events

Hear from Miranda Jacobs, NEA’s Examinations Director, and the exams team about news, upcoming events, and how you can get involved!